Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Qualities of a BFF

This week Becky and I will share the 10 things I find most important to find inside a best friend..emphasis on the last letter "F" (forever). We've all had those friends that come and go, but these are qualities that are indicative of one that will be around for a while.

1. Having a friend who has love for God  is important to me. Of course I have and should strive to meet others who don't know Jesus (otherwise how can they?) but the close friends who will be around forever, in my opinion, should be God loving. That will also produce the likeliness that they will posses most of the following qualities.

2. Honesty is very valuable to me. And I think that without it, a relationship cannot flourish.

3. Following the idea of honesty, I also think a best friend should be able to keep you accountable if need be. I don't just mean asking you if you've been reading your Bible (which is a good thing to be kept accountable for-by the way), but even being able to lovingly confront you if the need arises. Best friends will know you better than most, so they will know if you're in the need for a little bit of accountability. A relationship is probably flaky and flimsy if you can't tell each other things they need to hear, even if you don't want to.

4. Being humble, and having the heart of a servant would be another mark of a friend worth keeping. A humble friend won't constantly put you down, won't selfishly act, or try to establish superiority. And I know we've all known or seen one of those. And why not surround yourself with people you wouldn't mind being alike? Who you are around will rub off on you, so make it someone worthy.

5. I know that being my friend requires patience. And because we are all sinners-being anyone's friend will require patience.

6. The acts that require patience, may also require forgiveness. But there is no doubt that the need will arise at one point or another-and if your best friend can grant you forgiveness, the relationship can stay strong and grow from it. If your best friend cannot grant forgiveness, it will die quickly.

7. Everyone needs to talk sometimes. That's why I find it important for a best friend to be a good listener.

8. I think everyone should be passionate about something. My personality is one of passion, so I think all the more so that it would be important for a friend of mine to have at least one thing they are truly passionate about-whether that be painting or fishing or Doctor Who. Otherwise I think things could get dull. Which leads me to the next one..

9. If my best friend didn't have a somewhat silly personality, I would annoy the heck out of them. Plus, who wants a relationship where you can't just be yourself and goof off? Not me that's for sure!

10. Lastly but not leastly (that's definitely not a word), I think it's necessary for your best friend to like your family. I don't care if you have the most bizarre kin in the universe, if you are close friends with someone and they can't be okay with spending time with your family-it's not a good sign. Even if your friend isn't crazy about them, they should make the effort. After all, a best friend is like family!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to hop on over to BecKyle's list!

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